Maps are added to the model for the desired look. This is a typical mapping workflow.

After adding all this information plus four or more lights to the scene you get a render like this which is good for in game but will have to be tweaked more for a animation/cinematic.
I have been trying to figure out why your texture is so blurry and I think it is because the face texture takes up so little space on the texture map. Remember that textures with more detail need to be scaled up vs. textures with less. That is to say: you will probably concentrate on the face more than the hands, so of course the hand textures should be smaller than the face texture. Scale your UV maps separately if you have to. If you aren't worrying about seams then it shouldn't be a big deal.
Why is the necks so HUGE compared to the face? The face should be the largest element in the map here. Maybe you didn't cut the face out right / didn't put your UV seams in the right place?
Perhaps have separate UV shells for top/back of the head and a separate UV shell for the neck??
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