Next Gen textures will by far be one of those things that help to pull in the casual and hardcore gaming crowd, as much as game play is the fundamental draw the second is how good the game looks. I have seen lots of well textured crates but many of them forget to chamfer the edges. To pick up subtleties of light the edges can not be hard they have to be well constructed before you even begin to texture. Here is a crate that I started with a chamfered box in 3Ds Max many people think of some of the prefabricated elements in Max as a cheat, but they allow you the opportunity to create realistic geometry without a lot of work. Here is a crate with a test pattern applied to start the proper work-flow prior to texturing a crate, the crate also has the appropriate areas chamfered. The wood base was created by duplicating the original image and changing the blending modes and tweaking the image itself to give it a richer look.
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