Well its been a while since I last posted I have been really busy with other projects and a few fine art shows of my oil paintings.
After defining the best available option to continue production of any future 3D work for any type of commerical work I will manage a workflow solely comprised of opensource programs like Blender, Gimp and others. My first model that I wanted to make is a low poly character for use in mobile game apps that seems to be really popular also it gives independent game artist the opportunity to create games, if you can get your head around the programming side of the process.
I have been at Blender for about a good week now and studying the tuts all over the web so far this is what I have done.
This character I think will comprise a base model that can be used to create a slew of Nazi type characters that can be animated with a simple rig as an NPC that can be fired on.
I plan on posting as often as possible.